Best Woman: Bay fills this role at Lily and Toby's wedding.Subverted-this is actually an extremely important point for Melody.Melody: You started going with Bay, and now you're sneaking around, lying, and talking about going to speech therapy! Emmett to Bay, later in the same episode:.Daphne to Emmett, after she finds out about him and Bay.

And Knowing Is Half the Battle: Katie Leclerc and Vanessa Marano appeared in character in a PSA about the dangers of texting while driving.Ambiguously Bi: Bay's new boyfriend Alex reads about Emmett in Kathryn's book, and tells Bay that " sounds hot.".Bay is Daphne, raised with a younger brother but Regina still drinking and Emmett only a friend. Daphne is Bay, a star athlete, with Toby a moody musician and John and Kathryn having marriage problems. In "Yuletide Fortune Tellers," the girls are upset about their families' Christmas traditions only to wake up in a world where the switch never happened.When they find this out and go to find Regina, they instead only find Adrianna they find out from her that Regina died of drinking on their birthday. She actually has tried to make contact with them their entire lives, but the Kennishes stash away the letters and presents instead of giving it to the girls. The girls grow up thinking that Regina stopped contacting them altogether. Bay is now a studious young woman who falls in her sister's shadow Toby is still gambling, and Kathryn is having an affair with another man ( Chip Coto)). Daphne is raised with the Kennishes, getting a cochlear implant to help her hear and not identifying as Deaf-but is a manipulative brat. In "Ecce Mono," John imagines that Regina came clean about discovering the switch in 1998 but lost custody of the girls due to her drinking.Regina calls Daphne out on this trope after finding out about her involvement with Nacho. She later dresses very sultry in order to attract the caustic Chef Jeff. All Girls Want Bad Boys: Daphne sneaks out of school to have a drunken make out with Wilke.

All Gays Are Pedophiles: After Travis tells his mom her brother had molested him as a kid, she replies it's not true-because he isn't gay.